Wednesday 3 June 2009


Welcome to the glob on someday. In this blog I will be providing a commentary and opinions on events, news, and issues which need to be resolved including but not limited to metrication, transport, the environment, and technology. I will also be looking at science including any new discoveries, and posting articles on sport, especially football.

As well as these, there will also be some commentary on politics. I will let you, the reader, decide whereabouts on the political spectrum I lie, but I can tell you that I am not affiliated with any political party, and I also believe that finding the best possible solutions to problems and new ideas are much more important than politics.

Of the issues, I think it is vitally important that metrication in Britain gets finished, because the SI metric system is simply the best system of measurement out there, and this would help support our education, eliminate unnecessary conversion errors, help the UK remain competitive amongst many other things.

Transport is another important issue, I also feel it is very important that the UK has a first class and reliable transport infrastructure, and first class roads which are smooth, strong, and free from potholes.

I also believe Fibre to the Home (FTTH) for the UK is a vital issue which cannot be ignored. We need FTTH so we can enjoy high quality and high bandwidth video streaming for example, play youtube videos faster, and most importantly to make our broadband network futureproof.

Other important events and issues will be commented on in this blog too.

Happy reading.

1 comments so far. What are your thoughts?

  1. Wow, i look forward to reading your further posts! Sounds like it will be a great blog with many great purposes!!


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