Sunday 28 August 2011

Could sign colours (motorway, primary route, local route, roadworks) be standardised?

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Anyone who has driven through Europe will have noticed that the road sign colours are not uniform for motorways, primary routes, non-primary / local routes, and roadworks signs. The differences are explained in more detail here. Could the colours for these signs be standardised in Europe, if not worldwide? Even though there is no safety issue from leaving things as they are, the purpose of this article is to start a discussion.

More thoughts on tunnel signage and tunnel safety

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In this article, I give more thoughts on tunnel signage as well as tunnel safety.  For me, metrication is a big must, and the only thing really needed, as well as ensuring the signs are as clutter free as possible, and which respect international standards, specifically SI (metric system) and the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals.

More signage suggestions and why the UK should properly implement the Vienna Convention

In my previous articles, I have given my thoughts and ideas on possible signage improvements, the aim being to remove clutter and make the signs clearer, more symbolic, and language independent, as well as what British metric signage might (and in my opinion should) look like. This is because metrication and the conversion to 24 hour time would be an ideal time to rationalise road signs, not to do so would be a missed opportunity. But I also believe strongly that the UK should implement properly the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals that the UK already signed up to.

In this article, I give more signage suggestions that (hopefully) are compliant to the Vienna Convention, and that respects the standards including SI, and using 24 hour time format.

 Thursday 25 August 2011

No overtaking signage: Metrication and other suggestions

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In this article I share my thoughts on "No overtaking signage".  Not much needs to be done, except for metrication, making the supplementary plates more symbolic, and given the sign means no overtaking already, then perhaps remove the supplementary plate "No overtaking" (and thus eliminate the need to translate for bilingual signs too).